Termly Reflections

Target Setting

  My target for all my science tests in an A1.
  My plan to achieve this target is to listen attentively in class, learn as much as I can from lab lessons, researches, and more.

First Reflections
  There was hardly anytime when I did not understand the lesson. 
  Usually, I will surf the internet and look for reliable websites to look out for more information to understand the lesson better.
  When I face any problem, the first thing that I think of is looking for my teacher. If the teacher is not present, I would check the internet for solutions. If the internet does not provide reliable and satisfactory solutions, I try consult my peers or seniors. 

  I learnt a lot from Science lessons. They are the most interesting lessons. From the lessons, I learn a lot of things and gain new knowledge. There are, of course, problems faced during learning. So, let me tell you more about the problems I face during the learning of science.
  A lot of things are imparted to me; new scientific terms, new instruments, new words, new methods and many more. I could not just remember all of these at once. Usually, I cannot remember all these. However, I tried familiarizing myself for some time and finally got it. Sometimes, I surf the internet to check more on the instruments that I just learnt to know it better. 
  During my learning of science, I learnt some things that are not in our textbooks and notes. This aspect is my favorite. One of them that I learnt is that water, when cooled, shrinks, however, when reaches four degrees Celsius, it stops shrinking. Then, when it solidifies, it expands. This is one knowledge which I think is very interesting.

- January

Class Test 1 (Science as an Inquiry)

  This was my first ever Science Test I have taken in Hwa Chong Institution. I feel that the standard of the paper is neither too difficult nor too easy. I feel that it is just right for me. I obtained a grade of A1 for this test, with a score of 38/45 (84.4/100). I have achieved my target of obtaining a grade of A1. However, I now feel that this target is not good enough and it is not going to be able to bring me far. I have decided to set a new target of 39/45 (86.7/100). I have to work hard for this target as I know the future tests are going to have a higher level of difficulty.

  I am quite satisfied my my MCQ section, as I only lost one mark here. However, I feel that I should not lose this one precious mark, as in a test, every mark is important. You will never know when that one mark can help you improve your result by one grade. I lost my marks in this question as I did not understand the question. This shows that I was not prepared enough for this test. If I had been more prepared, I would have answered this question correctly.
  Moving on to the Structured Questions Section. In this Section, I lost quite a lot of marks due to careless mistakes. For example, I spelled "crucible" as "crubicle". How careless was I in this question! I could have easily obtain a mark from this question. I lost some marks due to incomplete answers. For example, the correct answer is, "Adjust the collar to open the air hole fully." However, my answer was, "Adjust the collar to open the air hole." Just because I did not write the word "fully", half a mark is taken away from me. I should have bring myself to write the word "fully" and not be lazy. 
  For the Critical Thinking Question Section, I did extremely well, scoring full marks for it. I was very happy for myself in this section. I hope that I will continue achieving full marks for this section in my future tests.
  This class test has allowed me to view my mistakes. I would learn from my mistakes and not commit the same mistakes again. I will constantly remind myself, "No more careless mistakes, no more incomplete sentences." Hopefully, I would be able to achieve my target of 39/45 for my next class test. 


Term 2 Science Test Measurements, Graph techniques and Kinetic Particle Theory

  Term 2's class test is over already. Time really flies. Once again, I have easily achieved my target of a grade of A1 and just nicely achieved my target of scoring 39/45 for Term 2's class test. I am very glad to be able to achieve my targets and will continue to work hard. I am not going to set higher targets, and I would like to remain at my current target as I have just barely exceed my target of 39/45. I hope that I can achieve my targets for Term 3's class test.
  For Term 2's class test, I am happy to say that I have secured all 15 marks from my MCQ Section. I told myself in Term 1 that scoring full marks for MCQ Section would be my goal and I have achieved it.
  In the Structured Questions Section, I still made some careless mistakes, such as writing the answer "0.3 Gm" when the correct answer should be "0.300 Gm". It cause me some precious marks. Looks like I still need some improvement on the carelessness part. I was quite satisfied with the other parts, I used the correct conversion method, drew the correct graph and had complete sentences. My Structured Questions Section was better than the one in Term 1. Hopefully, I can see a repeated performance in Term 3.
  I was very disappointed with myself for the Critical Thinking Question Section. Out of the full five marks, I only obtained one. Perhaps I did not understand the questions and the text well. I really need to improve in this question. I plan to obtain at least 3 marks in the for this section in Term 3's Class test.
  This Class test has again told m that I still have mistakes that I would have to be aware of. I still need to improve myself and prepare myself for the next test. I hope that I can achieve my targets for next term's test. Good luck and all the best for myself!


Term 3 Class Test

  Once again, Term 3's class test is over in a blink of an eye. It is simply amazing how fast time flies. Very soon, this e-portfolio that I am posting now would also be handed up for marking. Time, can you stop for a moment? You are simply too fast for me to catch up with you!
  I have my results for my class test. I obtained a score of 37.5/45. Not a very impressive score, as it did not achieve my target of 39/45. Still, it is an A1, so I am quite happy about it.
  I have aced my MCQ Section again, scoring full marks for it. I just hope this full marks streak continues.
  For my Structured Questions Section, I lost some marks due to careless mistakes. For example, the answer is "Solution" while I wrote "Suspension". I seriously have no idea why I even wrote "Suspension". This shows that my habit of making careless mistakes is still present. Why am I so careless? I have been making careless mistakes for all my class tests ever since Primary One. It must be quite hilarious, seeing that I bought this bad spell all the way from Primary One to Secondary One. Anyway, I really need to improve on this.
  I see some improvements in the Critical Thinking Questions Section. I obtained 3 marks out of 5 marks in this section. A huge improvement from obtaining 1 mark since the last term. I am really glad that I improve. I hope to improve more to get into the full marks track again, just like the first term.
  That is all for my Term 3 Class test. Good luck for achieving my targets in the next test! On a side note, hopefully there will not be a next test as I really hope to be exempted for my end of year Paper...


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